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发布时间:2014-09-10   访问次数:7487










1998/11-2001/04,博士,Michigan Technological University,环境工程专业



2001.04-2003.06,博士后,Institute of Paper Science and Technology

2003.07-2004.02Research ScientistGeorgia Institute of Technology





(1) 大气污染控制原理与技术(全英文)

(2) 工业废气污染控制技术

(3) 污染控制化学专论

(1) 大气污染控制工程(全英文)







·     国家自然科学基金面上项目,51778229、高效储氧-释氧变价态复合催化有机物降解电极研究、2018.01-2021.12,60万元,在研,主持
·     国家自然科学基金面上项目,21277045、基于太阳能光伏电解的资源化再生脱硫碱渣研究、2013/01-2016/12,80万元,完成,主持
·     国家自然科学基金面上项目,21177037、非晶态介孔二氧化铱膜电极的极化调控机制、2012/01-2015/12,62万元,完成,主持
·     国家自然科学基金面上项目,20777050、分体式强扩散PRB降解有机卤化物(HOCs)研究、2008/01-2010/12、28万元、完成、主持
·     国家自然科学基金青年基金,20507014、挥发性有机物高效固态萃取-双极电催化氧化降解过程优化及调控机制、2006/01-2008/12、26万元、完成、主持



· Cerium Surface-Engineered Iridium Oxides for Enhanced Oxygen Evolution Reaction Activity and Stability. ACS Applied Energy Materials. 3(5):4432-4440, 2020
· Ni-Co Codoped RuO2 with Outstanding Oxygen Evolution Reaction Performance. ACS Applied Energy Materials. 2(6):4105-4110, 2019
· A promising engineering strategy for water electro-oxidation iridate catalysts via coordination distortion. Chemical Communications. 55(41):5801-5804, 2019
· Iridium substitution in nickel cobaltite renders high mass specific OER activity and durability in acidic media. Applied Catalysis B, Environmental. 244(5):295-302, 2019
· Cultivating crystal lattice distortion in IrO2 via coupling with MnO2 to boost the oxygen evolution reaction with high intrinsic activity. Chemical Communications. 54(39):4959-4962, 2018
· Anchoring of IrO2 on One-Dimensional Co3O4 Nanorods for Robust Electrocatalytic Water Splitting in an Acidic Environment. ACS Applied Energy Materials. 1(11):6374-6380, 2018
· Effect of lattice strain on the electro-catalytic activity of IrO2 for water splitting. Chemical Communications. 54(8):996-999, 2018
· Strategies of alloying effect for regulating Pt-based H2-SCR catalytic activity. Chemical Communications. 54(68):9502-9505, 2018
· Ni-Co Codoping Breaks the Limitation of Single-Metal-Doped IrO2 with Higher Oxygen Evolution Reaction Performance and Less Iridium. ACS Energy Letters. 2(12):2786-2793, 2017
· Rational Manipulation of IrO2 Lattice Strain on alpha-MnO2 Nanorods as a Highly Efficient Water-Splitting Catalyst. ACs Applied Materials & Interfaces. 9(48):41855-41862, 2017
· Hollandite Structure Kx approximate to 0.25 IrO2 Catalyst with Highly Efficient Oxygen Evolution Reaction. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 8(1):820-826, 2016
· Conversion of inert cryptomelane-type manganese oxide into a highly efficient oxygen evolution catalyst via limited Ir doping. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 4(32):12561-12570, 2016
· An efficiently tuned d-orbital occupation of IrO2 by doping with Cu for enhancing the oxygen evolution reaction activity. Chemical Science. 6(8):4993-4999, 2015
· Circulating regeneration and resource recovery of flue gas desulfurization residuals using a membrane electroreactor: From lab concept to commercial scale. Environmental Science & Technology, 46(20): 11273-11279,2012
· Development and Field-scale Optimization of a Honeycomb Zeolite Rotor Concentrator/Recuperative Oxidizer for the Abatement of Volatile Organic Carbons from Semi-conductor Industry. Environmental Science & Technology.46:441-446, 2012
· Improvement of electrochemical wastewater treatment through mass transfer in seepage carbon nano-tube electrode (SCNE) reactor. Environmental Science & Technology. 43:3796–3802,2009
· Dual Electrodes Oxidation of Dye Wastewater with Gas Diffusion Cathode. Environmental Science & Technology. 39:1819-1826, 2005
· Application of an Isothermal, Three-Phase Catalytic Reactor Model to Predict Unsteady-State Fixed-Bed Performance. Environmental Science & Technology. 37:428-436, 2003
· Treatment of Cooking Oil Fume by Low Temperature Catalysis. Applied Catalysis B, Environmental. 58 (1-2): 123-131 2005

网页发布时间: 2014-09-10