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发布时间:2018-03-14   访问次数:17227

厉 巍,副教授,入选上海市青年科技启明星计划





1) 工业污水低碳生物强化处理理论与技术


2) 环境工程微生物学



2012.09–2017.12,  浙江大学,         环境工程, 博士, 导师: 郑平 教授

2016.08–2017.09,  康奈尔大学,       微生物系, 访学, 导师: James Shapleigh

2017.06–2017.08,  南洋理工大学,    SCELSE, 访学,导师: Stefan Wuertz


2022.01–至今, 工业废水无害化与资源化国家工程研究中心副主任

2020.08–至今, 白菜收录大全网址, 副教授

2017.12–2020.08, 白菜收录大全网址, 特聘副研究员


2019.07–至今, Chinese Chemical Letters》青年编委

2022.01–至今,Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering》青年编委





1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,2022/01-2025/12, 在研,主持;

2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,2019/01-2021/12, 在研,主持;

3. 上海市青年科技启明星计划(C类),2020/07-2023/06,在研,主持;

4. 污染控制与资源化研究国家重点实验室基金,2021/01-2022/12,在研,主持;

5. 白菜收录大全网址特聘副研究科研启动费,2018/01-2020/12,结题,主持;

6. 广东省环境污染控制与修复技术重点实验室基金,2018/01-2019/12,结题,主持;

7. 上海化学工业园区中法水务发展有限公司横向项目,2021/01-2021/09,结题,主持;

8. 白菜收录大全网址重点科研基地创新基金,2019/01-2019/12,结题,负责;

9. 上海华谊(集团)公司横向项目,2019/04-2020/02,结题,主持;



1. Jin-Long Zhuang, Xu Sun, Wei-Qi Zhao, Xu Zhang, Jia-Jia Zhou, Bing-Jie Ni, Yong-Di Liu, James P Shapleigh, Wei Li*. The anammox coupled partial-denitrification process in an integrated granular sludge and fixed-biofilm reactor developed for mainstream wastewater treatment: performance and community structure. Water Research, 2022, 210, 117964.

2. Feng Zhou, Wan-Zi Xiao, Kai-Yuan Zhou, Jin-Long Zhuang, Xu Zhang, Yong-Di Liu, Bing-Jie Ni, James P Shapleigh, Min Zhou, Xi-Zi Luo, Wei Li*. Performance characteristics and community analysis of a single-stage partial nitritation, anammox and denitratation (SPANADA) integrated process for treating low C/N ratio wastewater. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 433, 134452.

3. Wei Li, Jian Gao, Jin-long Zhuang, Gen-ji Yao, Xu Zhang, Yong-di Liu, Qi-kai Liu, James P. Shapleigh, Ma, Liang*. Metagenomics and metatranscriptomics uncover the microbial community associated with high S0 production in a denitrifying desulfurization granular sludge reactor. Water Research, 2021, 203, 117505.

4. Gen-ji Yao, Jiong-qiu Ren, Feng Zhou, Yong-di Liu, Wei Li*. Micro-nano aeration is a promising alternative for achieving high-rate partial nitrification. Science of the Total Environment, 2021,795, 148899.

5. Xun-yu Shen, Yang-yang, Zhuge, Yong-di Liu, James P. Shapleigh, Wei Li*. Long-term effects of acetylene on denitrifying N2O production: Biomass performance and microbial community. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 2021, 42, 102137.

6. Lei Lei, Jin chi Yao, Yong-di, Liu, Wei Li*. Performance, sludge characteristics and microbial community in a salt-tolerant aerobic granular SBR by seeding anaerobic granular sludge. International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation, 2021,163:105258.

7. Jin-chi Yao, Wei Li*, Dong Ou, Lei lei, Muhammad Asif, Yong-di Liu*. Performance and granular characteristics of salt-tolerant aerobic granular reactors response to multiple hypersaline wastewater.Chemosphere, 2021, 265: 129170.

8. Ji-peng Wang, Liang-zhong Li, Yong-di Liu, Wei Li*. A review of partial nitrification in biological nitrogen removal processes: from development to application. Biodegradation. 2021, 32: 229-249.

9. Jin-long Zhuang, Yuan-yuan Zhou, Yong-di Liu, Wei Li*. Flocs are the main source of nitrous oxide in a high-rate anammox granular sludge reactor: insights from metagenomics and fed-batch experiments. Water Research, 2020, 186: 116321.

10. Yang-yang Zhuge, Xun-yu Shen, Yong-di Liu, James Shapleigh, Wei Li*. Application of acidic conditions and inert-gas sparging to achieve high-efficiency nitrous oxide recovery during nitrite denitrification. Water Research, 2020, 182: 116001.

11. Wei Li, Jin-long Zhuang, Yuan-yuan Zhou, Fan-gang Meng, Da Kang, Ping Zheng, James P. Shapleigh*, Yong-di Liu**. Metagenomics reveals microbial community differences lead to differential nitrate production in anammox reactors with differing nitrogen loading rates. Water Research, 2020, 169: 115279.

12. Ji-peng Wang, Yong-di Liu, Wei Li*. Model-based assessment of nitritation using formic acid as a selective inhibitor. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 276, 124290.

13. Ji-peng Wang, Yong-di Liu, Fan-gang Meng, Wei Li*. The short- and long-term effects of formic acid on rapid nitritation start-up. Environment International,2020, 135: 105350.

14. Wei Li, Jin-chi Yao, Jin-long Zhuang, Yuan-yuan Zhou, James P. Shapleigh, Yong-di Liu* Metagenomics revealed the phase-related characteristics during rapid development of halotolerant aerobic granular sludge. Environment International, 2020, 137: 105548.

15. Yuan-yuan Zhou, Wen-li Shao, Yond-di Liu, Xiang Li, Xiao-yu Shan, Xin-bai Jin, Jie Gao, Wei Li*. Genome-based analysis to understanding rapid resuscitation of cryopreserved anammox consortia via sequential supernatant addition. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 744: 140785.

16. Yi-qiao Wang, Wei Li*, Jin-long Zhuang, Yong-di Liu, James P. Shapleigh. Bacteriophage-mediated extracellular DNA release is important for the structural stability of aerobic granular sludge. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 726: 138392.

17. Xiao Wu, Hui Li, Lei Lei, Jiongqiu Ren, Wei Li*, Yong-di Liu*. Tolerance to short-term saline shocks by aerobic granular sludge. Chemosphere, 2020, 243: 125370.

18. Cheng Li; Wei Li*; Hui Li; Meng Hou; Xiao Wu; Jin-long Zhuang; Yong-di Liu*. The effect of quorum sensing on performance of salt-tolerance aerobic granular sludge: linking extracellular polymeric substances and microbial community. Biodegradation, 2019, 30: 1-10.

19. Meng Hou; Wei Li*; Hui Li; Cheng Li; Xiao Wu; Yong-di Liu*. Performance and bacterial characteristics of aerobic granular sludge in response to alternating salinity. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 2019, 142: 211-217.

20. Wei Li; Hui Li; Yong-di Liu; Ping Zheng; James P Shapleigh. Salinity-aided selection of progressive onset denitrifiers as a means of providing nitrite for anammox. Environmental Science & Technology, 2018, 52:10665-10672.

21. Wei Li; Shuai Liu; Meng Zhang; He-Ping Zhao; Ping Zheng, Oxidation of organic electron donor by denitratation: performance, pathway and key microorganism. Chemical Engineering Journal2018, 343:554-560.

22. Yao-feng Lu; Zhi-bin Ding; Ke-xin Gao; Zi-jun Duo; Shao-yi Xu; Xiao-lan Zhao; Wei Li*; Ping Zheng*, The effect of hydraulic retention time on ammonia and nitrate bio-removal over nitrite process. Environmental Technology, 2018, 41:1275-1283.

23. Wei Li; Zhaoyang Cai; Zijun Duo; Yaofeng Lu; Kexin Gao; Ghulam Abbas;Meng Zhang; Ping Zheng, Heterotrophic ammonia and nitrate bio-removal over nitrite (Hanbon): performance and microflora. Chemosphere, 2017, 182:532-538.

24. Wei Li; Xiaoyu Lin; Junjie Chen; Chaoyang Cai; Ghulam Abbas; ZhiqiangHu; Heping Zhao; Ping Zheng, Enrichment of denitratating bacteria from a methylotrophic denitrifying culture. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2016, 100: 10203-10213.

25. Wei Li; Xiaoyu Shan; Zhiyao Wang; Xiaoyu Lin; Chenxu Li; Chaoyang Cai; Ghulam Abbas; Meng Zhang; Zhiqiang Hu; Heping Zhao; Ping Zheng, Effect of self-alkalization on nitrite accumulation in a high-rate denitrification system: Performance, microflora and enzymatic activities. Water Research, 2016, 88: 758-765.

26. Wei Li; Chenxu Li; Xiaoyu Lin; Yan Liu; Ghulam Abbas; Ping Zheng, Effects of operation mode on self-alkalization of high-load denitrifying reactor. Bioresource Technology, 2015, 187: 282-287.

27. Wei Li; Ping Zheng; Jiqiang Zhang; Xiaoyu Shan; Zhiyao Wang; Meng Zhang, The effect of substrate concentration fluctuation on the performance of high-rate denitrifying reactor.Bioresource Technology, 2014, 167: 53-60.

28. Wei Li; Ping Zheng; Yun-li Wu; En-chao Zhan; Zong-he Zhang; Ru Wang; Ya-juan Xing; Ghulam Abbas; Bibi Saima Zeb, Sludge bulking in a high-rate denitrifying automatic circulation (DAC) reactor. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2014, 240: 387-393.

29. Wei Li, Ping Zheng, Jun Guo, Junyuan Ji, Meng Zhang, Zonghe Zhang, Enchao Zhan, Ghulam Abbas, Characteristics of self-alkalization in high-rate denitrifying automatic circulation (DAC) reactor fed with methanol and sodium acetate. Bioresource Technology, 2014, 154: 44-50.

30. Wei Li; Ping Zheng; Junyuan Ji; Meng Zhang; Jun Guo; Jiqiang Zhang; Ghulam Abbas, Floatation of granular sludge and its mechanism: A key approach for high-rate denitrifying reactor. Bioresource Technology, 2014, 152: 414-419.

31. Wei Li; Ping Zheng; Lan Wang; Meng Zhang; Huifeng Lu; Yajuan Xing; Jiqiang Zhang; Ru Wang; Ji Song; Ghulam Abbas, Physical characteristics and formation mechanism of denitrifying granular sludge in high-load reactor. Bioresource Technology, 2013, 142: 683-687.

32. 周锋,刘勇弟,厉巍. 同步短程硝化-厌氧氨氧化-短程反硝化颗粒污泥培育过程及其性能. 环境科学2021, 42(10):4864-4871.

33厉巍,郑平, 谢作甫, 张萌, 宋吉, 黄慎敏, 练国强, 高效反硝化分段组合式反应器运行性能. 化工学报, 2013, 64: 1276-1282.EI收录)

34. 厉巍,郑平, 谢作甫, 王茹, 张萌, 反硝化过程特性探析. 科技通报,2013, 29: 205-210.


1. 厉巍姚金池任路遥李辉刘勇弟.发明专利一种耐盐除碳微生物颗粒材料快速培育方法. ZL2018109816066

2. 厉巍庄金龙周锋. 发明专利:微纳米气泡供氧全过程脱氮反应器及其方法. ZL201811489395.0

3. 厉巍沈循宇诸葛杨炀刘勇弟. 发明专利:生物脱氮耦合N2O回收一体化反应器及其方法. ZL201910349698.0

4. 厉巍诸葛杨炀沈循宇王怡乔周缘缘刘勇弟. 发明专利:气控式生物脱氮同步回收N2O反应器及其方法. ZL201910905123.2

5. 厉巍马彦蓉郭平均,王浩,刘勇弟. 发明专利:耐高温氨氧化菌培养装置及其方法. ZL202010181604.6

6. 厉巍,王继鹏. 计算机软件著作权:煤化工废水生物处理预测系统V1.0. 登记号 2020SR0722831


1.  2020年,400全讯白菜网“优秀青年教师”,白菜收录大全网址

2.  2020年,指导员工获第十三届全国老员工节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛三等奖

3.  2019年,浙江省优秀博士毕业论文(提名)

4.  2016年,浙江大学“竺可桢”奖学金(浙江大学最高奖学金),浙江大学

5.  2016年,北京大学唐孝炎环境科学创新一等奖学金,北京大学

6.  2015年,奥加诺(水质与环境)奖学金,中国科学院生态中心

7.  2014年,同济高廷耀基金会杰出博士生奖学金,同济大学

网页发布时间: 2018-03-14