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(1) 上海市学位委员会第五届学科评议组成员

(2) 中国工程教育认证专家

(3) 南京理工大学“江苏省化工污染控制与资源化高校重点实验室” 学术委员会副主任

(4) “上海市重金属污染控制与资源化工程技术研究中心”技术委员会主任委员

(5) 白菜收录大全网址“国家环境保护化工过程环境风险评价与控制重点实验室”学术委员会委员

(6) 白菜收录大全网址“上海多介质环境催化与资源化工程技术研究中心”技术委员会委员

(7) 安徽工业大学“生物膜法净化及利用技术教育部工程研究中心”第三届技术委员会委员

(9) 上海绿色工业和产业发展促进会理事、副会长

(10) 上海市市容环卫标准化技术委员会委员

(11) Bioresources and Bioprocessing》副主编

(12) 《环境工程学报》编委

(13) 《水处理技术》编委

(14) 《工业水处理》编委

(15) 《净水技术》编委

(16) 《白菜收录大全网址学报》自然科学版编委


  1. 2023年入选“全球前2%顶尖科学家”榜单

  2. 2016年获国务院“政府特殊津贴”

  3. 2016年奉贤区2016届“滨海贤人”系列领军人才

  4. 2015年获教育部技术发明奖二等奖(排名3) 

  5. 2014年获中国石油和化学工业联合会技术发明奖一等奖,(排名3

  6. 2014年获上海市技术发明奖二等奖(排名4

  7. 2009年获环境保护科学技术奖二等奖(排名5



  1. 国家自然科学基金项目“基于碳量子点反蛋白石膜的双光子诱导产生活性氧对饮用水中耐药性污染的去除效能与机制(项目编号:22376064)”,50万元,2024.01-2027.12,负责人

  2. 国家自然科学基金项目“新型COFs非金属材料三路径活化过硫酸盐构建多元活性物种体系高效处理抗生素废水(项目编号:22176061)”,60万元,2022.01-2025.12,负责人

  3. 上海市科委政府间国际合作(中法合作)项目“构建新型TiO2基薄膜电极高效光电催化体系降解有机污染物(项目编号:51578240)”,45万元,2021.07-2024.06,负责人

  4. 国家自然科学基金项目“基于中度嗜盐菌的好氧颗粒污泥结构稳定化机理及抗逆分子机制(项目编号:51578240)”,63万元,2016.1-2019.12,负责人

  5. 国家自然科学基金项目“基于中度嗜盐菌的活性污泥耐盐降解分子机制(项目编号:51378208)”,80万元,2014.1-2017.12,负责人

  6. 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金优先发展领域资助课题“中度嗜盐菌群处理高盐有机废水调控机制及相容性溶质资源化研究(20110074130002)”,40万,2012.1.1-2014.12.31,负责人

  7. 国家863计划重点项目课题(编号:2009AA063904)之子课题“有机污染物特性对深度处理过程的影响研究”,100万元,2009.12-2012.12,负责人

迄今,已发表论文200余篇,以通讯作者在Water Research, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, Chemical Engineering Journal, Bioresource Technology等期刊发表SCI论文60另有译著2部,申请专利60项,其中已授权30余项。代表性论文、论著及专利如下:


  1. Yizhou Wu, Wenqi Zhou, Liang Zhou, Su-Il In, Juying Lei*, Lingzhi Wang, Jinlong Zhang, Yongdi Liu*. Near-infrared photothermal effect enhanced heterogeneous catalysis of Co3O4/PDA composite for highly efficient activation of peroxymonosulfate to degrade antibiotic pollutants. Chemical Engineering Journal,2023, 474, 145267.

  2. Da Liu, Wenqi Zhou, Sihan Tan, Xiaoxue Wang, Yibin Zheng, Huawei Wang, Liang Zhou, Juying Lei,* Jinlong Zhang, and Yongdi Liu*. Defect Engineering of MOF-Derived Carbon for Peroxymonosulfate Activation to Degrade Sulfadiazine: Roles of Carbon Vacancies and Edge Defects. ACS ES&T Engineering, 2023, 3, 2038−2050.

  3. Da Liu, Kehan Li, Liang Zhou, Juying Lei*, Lingzhi Wang, Jinlong Zhang , Yongdi Liu*. N, O co-doping enhanced the ability of carbon/Fe composites for peroxymonosulfate activation to degrade sulfadiazine: The advantages of nitrate saturated MOFs as precursors. Separation and Purification Technology, 2023, 314, 123556.

  4. Yanyu Song, Weiyu He, Xianbo Sun, Juying Lei, Long D. Nghiem, Jun Duan, Wen Liu, Yongdi Liu*, Zhengqing Cai*. C-doped Bi3O4X nanosheets with self-induced internal electric fields for pyrene degradation: Effects of carbon and halogen element type on photocatalytic activity. Separation and Purification Technology, 2023, 323, 124426.

  5. Da Liu, Wenyi Gu, Liang Zhou, Juying Lei*, Lingzhi Wang, Jinlong Zhang, Yongdi Liu*.From biochar to functions: Lignin induced formation of Fe3C in carbon/Fe composites for efficient adsorption of tetracycline from wastewater. Separation and Purification Technology,2023, 304, 122217.

  6. Dongping Zhang, Yongdi Liu*, Yanyu Song, Xianbo Sun, Wen Liu, Jun Duan, Zhengqing Cai*. Synergistic effect of Fe and Ce on Fe doped CeO2 for catalytic ozonation of amoxicillin: Efficiency evaluation and mechanism study. Separation and Purification Technology, 2023, 313, 123430.

  7. Jin-chi Yao, Gen-ji Yao, Zu-hao Wang, Xin-jie Yan, Qing-qing Lu, Wei Li, Yong-di Liu*. Bioaugmentation of intertidal sludge enhancing the development of salt-tolerant aerobic granular sludge. Journal of Environmental Management, 2023, 325, 116394.

  8. Yizhou Wu, Qingzi Zhao, Jia Wang, Sitong Lu, Liang Zhou, Juying Lei*, Jinlong Zhang, Yongdi Liu*. Boosting Peroxymonosulfate Activation via CoS/MXene Nanocomposite for Rhodamine B Degradation under Simulated Sunlight Irradiation. Chemistry-An Asian Journal, 2023, e202300881.

  9. Min Cao, Juying Lei, Jinlong Zhang, Liang Zhou,* Yongdi Liu*. Covalent organic frameworks derived carbon supported cobalt ultra-small particles: C––O and Co-Nx complex sites activated peroxymonosulfate synergistically for efficient degradation of levofloxacin. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 375, 134114

  10. Da Liu, Wenyi Gu, Wenqi Zhou, Ying Xu, Wenjia He, Lizheng Liu, Liang Zhou,Juying Lei*, Jinlong Zhang, Yongdi Liu*. Magnetic Fe/carbon/sodium alginate hydrogels for efficient degradation of norfloxacin in simulated wastewater. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 369, 133239.

  11. Xianbo Sun, Weiyu He, Tao Yang, Haodong Ji, Wen Liu, Juying Lei, Yongdi Liu*, Zhengqing Cai*. Ternary TiO2/WO3/CQDs nanocomposites for enhanced photocatalytic mineralization of aqueous cephalexin: Degradation mechanism and toxicity evaluation. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021,412, 128679.

  12. Sufen Lin, Ning Zhang, Fuchen Wang, Juying Lei, Liang Zhou*, Yongdi Liu*, Jinlong Zhang*. Carbon Vacancy Mediated Incorporation of Ti3C2 Quantum Dots in a 3D Inverse Opal gC3N4 Schottky Junction Catalyst for Photocatalytic H2O2 Production. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2021, 9, 481488.

  13. Jinchi Yao, Wei Li*, Dong Ou, Lei Lei, Muhammad Asif, Yongdi Liu*. Performance and granular characteristics of salt-tolerant aerobic granular reactors response to multiple hypersaline wastewater. Chemosphere, 2021,265,129170.

  14. Jie Yu, Angel Caravaca, Chantal Guillard, Philippe Vernoux, Liang Zhou, Lingzhi Wang, Juying Lei*, Jinlong Zhang, Yongdi Liu*. Carbon Nitride Quantum Dots Modified TiO2 Inverse Opal Photonic Crystal for Solving Indoor VOCs Pollution. Catalysts, 2021, 11, 464.

  15. Wei Li, Jinchi Yao, Jinlong Zhuang, Yuanyuan Zhou, James P Shapleigh, Yongdi Liu*. Metagenomics revealed the phase-related characteristics during rapid development of halotolerant aerobic granular sludge.[J]. Environment International, 2020,137, 105548

  16. Wei Li, Jinlong Zhuang, Yuanyuan Zhou, Fangang Meng, Da Kang, Ping Zheng, James P Shapleigh*, Yongdi Liu*. Metagenomics reveals microbial community differences lead to differential nitrate production in anammox reactors with differing nitrogen loading rates. Water Research, 2020,169,115279

  17. Liang Zhou, Jianrui Feng, Bocheng Qiu, Yi Zhou, Juying Lei*, Mingyang Xing, Lingzhi Wang, Yanbo Zhou, Yongdi Liu*, Jinlong Zhang*. Ultrathin g-C3N4 nanosheet with ·hierarchical pores and desirable energy band for highly efficient H2O2 production. Applied Catalysis B-environmental, 2020,267,118396.

  18. Juying Lei, Bin Chen, Liang Zhou, Ningkai Ding, Zhengqing Cai, Lingzhi Wang, Su-Il In, Changzheng Cui, Yanbo Zhou, Yongdi Liu*, Jinlong Zhang*. Efficient degradation of antibiotics in different water matrices through the photocatalysis of inverse opal K-g-C3N4: Insights into mechanism and assessment of antibacterial activity. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 400, 125902.

  19. Xiao Wu, Hui Li, Lei Lei, Jiongqiu Ren, Wei Li*, Yongdi Liu*. Tolerance to short-term saline shocks by aerobic granular sludge. Chemosphere, 2020, 243,125370

  20. Juying Lei, Bin Chen, Weijia Lv, Liang Zhou, Lingzhi Wang, Yongdi Liu*, Jinlong Zhang*. Robust Photocatalytic H2O2 Production over Inverse Opal g-C3N4 with Carbon Vacancy under Visible Light. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2019, 7(19), 16467-16473.

  21. Yunhao Tian,  Liang Zhou,   Qiaohong Zhu,  Juying Lei* , Lingzhi Wang, Jinlong Zhang *, Yongdi Liu*. Hierarchical macro-mesoporous g-C3N4 with an inverse opal structure and vacancies for high-efficiency solar energy conversion and environmental remediation. Nanoscale, 2019,11, 20638-20647.

  22. Juying Lei, Bin Chen, Weijia Lv, Liang Zhou, Lingzhi Wang, Yongdi Liu*, Jinlong Zhang*. An inverse opal TiO2/g-C3N4 composite with a heterojunction for enhanced visible light-driven photocatalytic activity. Dalton Transactions, 2019, 48, 3486–3495.

  23. Jie Yu,Juying Lei,Lingzhi Wang,Chantal Guillard,Jinlong Zhang*,Yongdi Liu*,Masakazu Anpo. gC3N4 quantum dotsmodifed mesoporous TiO2–SiO2 for enhanced photocatalysis. Research on Chemical Intermediates, 2019, 45,4237-4247.

  24. Cheng Li, Wei Li*, Hui Li, Meng Hou, Xiao Wu, Jinlong Zhuang, Yongdi Liu*. The effect of quorum sensing on performance of salt-tolerance aerobic granular sludge: linking extracellular polymeric substances and microbial community.[J]. Biodegradation, 2019, 30(5), 447-456.

  25. Meng Hou, Wei Li* , Hui Li, Cheng Li, Xiao Wu, Yong-di Liu* . Performance and bacterial characteristics of aerobic granular sludge in response to alternating salinity. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 2019, 142, 211-217.

  26. Xiao Wu, Wei Li, Dong Ou, Cheng Li, Meng Hou, Hui Li* , Yongdi Liu* . Enhanced adsorption of Zn2+ by salinity-aided aerobic granular sludge: Performance and binding mechanism. Journal of Environmental Management, 2019, 242: 266-271

  27. Liang Zhou, Juying Lei*, Lingzhi Wang, Yongdi Liu*, Jinlong Zhang*. Highly efficient photo-Fenton degradation of methyl orange facilitated by slow light effect and hierarchical porous structure of Fe2O3-SiO2 photonic crystals. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2018, 237: 1160-1167.

  28. Xiaoli Wang, Jie Yang, Hui Li*, Shu Guo, Muhammad Tariq, Haibo Chen*, Chen Wang, Yongdi Liu*. Chronic toxicity of hexabromocyclododecane(HBCD) induced by oxidative stress and cell apoptosis on nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Chemosphere, 2018, 208, 31-39.

  29. Liang Zhou, Yunhao Tian, Juying Lei*, Lingzhi Wang, Yongdi Liu*, Jinlong Zhang*. Self-modification of g-C3N4 with its quantum dots for enhanced photocatalytic activity. Catalysis Science & Technology, 2018, 8, 2617-2623.

  30. Jie Yu, Juying Lei*, Lingzhi Wang, Jinlong Zhang*, Yongdi Liu*. TiO2 inverse opal photonic crystals: Synthesis, modification, and applications - A review. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2018, 769, 740-757.

  31. Jie Yu, Liang Zhou, Juying Lei*, Lingzhi Wang, Jinlong Zhang*, Yongdi Liu*. g-C3N4 inverse opals with isotype heterostructure for enhanced visible-light-driven photocatalysis. Chemistry- An Asian Journal, 2018, 13 ,3261 –3267.

  32. Dong Ou, Hui Li, Wei Li, Xiao Wu, Yi-qiao Wang, Yong-di Liu*. Salt-tolerance aerobic granular sludge: formation and microbial community characteristics, Bioresource Technology, Bioresource Technology, 2018, 249,132-138

  33. Chan-Juan Qian, Wei Li, Hui Li*, Dong Ou, Yang-Yang Zhu-Ge, Yong-Di Liu*. Responses of genes for the uptake of glycine betaine in Virgibacillus halodenitrificans PDB-F2 under NaCl stress, International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 2018, 132,192-199

  34. Dong Ou, Wei Li, Hui Li*, Xiao Wu, Cheng Li, Yangyang Zhuge, Yong-di Liu*, Enhancement of the removal and settling performance for aerobic granular sludge under hypersaline stress, Chemosphere, 2018, 212,400-407

  35. Weijia Lv, Zhihang Liu, Jinjing Lan, Ziyu Liu, Wenxin Mi, Juying Lei, Lingzhi Wang, Yongdi Liu*, Jinlong Zhang*.Visible-light-induced reduction of hexavalent chromium utilizing cobalt phosphate (Co-Pi) sensitized inverse opal TiO2 as a photocatalyst. 2017, Catalysis Science & Technology, 2017, 7, 5687-5693.

  36. Juying Lei, Fenghui Liu, Lingzhi Wang, Yongdi Liu*, Jinlong Zhang*. A binary polymer composite of graphitic carbon nitride and poly(diphenylbutadiyne) with enhanced visible light photocatalytic activity. RSC Advances, 2017, 7, 27377-27383.

  37. Liang Zhou, Lingzhi Wang, Jinlong Zhang, Juying Lei*, Yongdi Liu*; Fabrication of TiO2/Co-g-C3N4 heterojunction catalyst and its photocatalytic performance; Catalysis Communications, 2017, 89, 125–128.

  38. Liang Zhou, Lingzhi Wang, Jinlong Zhang, Juying Lei*, Yongdi Liu*; The preparation, and applications of g-C3N4/TiO2 heterojunction catalysts-a review. Research on Chemical Intermediates, 2017, 43, 2081–2101.

  39. Hui Li, Yue-feng Qiu, Xiao-li Wang, Jie Yang, Yun-jiang Yu*, Ya-qin Chen, Yong-di Liu*. Biochar supported Ni/Fe bimetallic nanoparticles to remove 1,1,1-trichloroethane under various reaction conditions, Chemosphere, 2017, 169:534-541(二区,4.208

  40. Yang Zhou, Zhi-Yuan Sun, Hui Li*, Chan-Juan Qian, Xiao Wu, Hong-Zhi Tang, Fawad Ali, Yong-Di Liu*. Investigation of compatible solutes synthesis and transport of Virgibacillus halodenitrificans PDB-F2 with complete genome analysis, International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 2017, 122:165-172

  41. Liang Zhou, Lingzhi Wang, Juying Lei*, Yongdi Liu*, Jinlong Zhang; Well dispersed Fe2O3 nanoparticles on g-C3N4 for efficient and stable photo-Fenton photocatalysis under visible light irradiation. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2016,34, 5387-5392.

  42. Changzheng Cui, Zhijie Li, Jiangchao Qian, Jie Shi, Ling Huang, Hongzhi Tang*, Xin Chen, Kuangfei Lin, Ping Xu, Yongdi Liu*. Complete genome of Martelella sp. AD-3, a moderately halophilic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons-degrading bacterium. Journal of Biotechnology, 2016, 225,29-30

  43. Ping Tao, Hui Li*, Yunjiang Yu, Jidong Gu, Yongdi Liu*. Ectoine and 5-hydroxyectoine accumulation in the halophile Virgibacillus halodenitrificans PDB-F2 in response to salt stress. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2016, 100,6779-6789

  44. Xiao-Jue Guo, Zhi-Yan Lu, Li Hui*, Zhong-Zi Huang, Kuang-Fei Lin and Yong-Di Liu*. Diversity and degradation mechanism of an anaerobic bacterial community treating phenolic wastewater with sulfate as an electron acceptor. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2015, 22(20),16121-16132

  45. Zhi-Yan Lu, Xiao-Jue Guo, Li Hui*, Zhong-Zi Huang, Kuang-Fei Lin and Yong-Di Liu*. High-throughput screening for a moderately halophilic phenol-degrading strain and its salt tolerance response. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2015, 16(6), 11834-11848.

  46. Hui Li, Shi-yang Zhang, Xiao-li Wang, Jie Yang, Ji-dong Gu, Rui-li Zhu, Ping Wang, Kuang-fei Lin, Yong-di Liu*. Aerobic biodegradation of trichloroethylene and phenol co-contaminants in groundwater by a bacterial community using hydrogen peroxide as the sole oxygen source, Environmental Technology, 2015, 36(5), 667-674

  47. Juying Lei, Ying Chen, Fan Shen, Lingzhi Wang, Yongdi Liu*, Jinlong Zhang*, Surface modification of TiO2 with g-C3N4 for enhanced UV and visible photocatalytic activity, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2015, 631,328-334

  48. Penghua Wang, Juying Lei, Mingyang Xing, Lingzhi Wang, Yongdi Liu*, Jinlong Zhang*, Ammonium acetate and ethylenediamine-assisted synthesis of anatase nanocrystals with {010} facets and enhanced photocatalytic activity, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2015, 3(2),961-968

  49. Dehao Li, Yufeng Mao, Zhenghui Liu, Xudong Yin, Chunyan Lang, Yongdi Liu*. Simultaneous removal of nitrogen, phosphorus and COD in an integrated OCO reactor. Environmental Technology, 2014, 35(20), 2628-2633

  50. Zhong-zi Huang, Ping Wang, Hui Li*, Kuang-fei Lin, Zhi-yan Lu, Xiao-jue Guo, Yong-di Liu*. Community analysis and metabolic pathway of halophilic bacteria for phenol degradation in saline environment. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 2014, 94,115-120

  51. Yu-Feng Wang, Xiao-Li Wang, Hui Li*, Kuang-Fei Lin, Ping Wang, Jie Yang, Yong-Di Liu*, Zhi-Yuan Sun, Li-Hua Fan, Zhi-Ming Wu. Treatment of high salinity phenol-laden wastewater using a sequencing batch reactor containing halophilic bacterial community. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 2014, 93,138-144

  52. Changzheng Cui, Lei Ma, Jie Shi, Kuangfei Lin, Qishi Luo, Yongdi Liu*. Metabolic pathway for degradation of anthracene by halophilic Martelella sp. AD-3. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 2014, 89, 67-73

  53. Feiyue Qian, Xianbo Sun, Yongdi Liu*. Removal characteristics of organics in bio-treated textile wastewater reclamation by a stepwise coagulation and intermediate GAC/O3 oxidation process. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2013, 214, 112-118.

  54. Feiyue Qian, Xianbo Sun, Yongdi Liu*, Hongyong Xu. Removal and transformation of effluent organic matter (EfOM) in biotreated textile wastewater by GAC/O3 pre-oxidation and enhanced coagulation. Environmental Technology, 2013, 34(12),1513-1520

  55. Hui Li, Ting-Ting Shen, Xiao-Li Wang, Kuang-Fei Lin*, Yong-Di Liu*, Shu-Guang Lu, Ji-Dong Gu, Ping Wang*, Qiang Lu, Xiao-Ming Du. Biodegradation of perchloroethylene and chlorophenol co-contamination and toxic effect on activated sludge performance. Bioresource Technology, 2013, 137, 286-293

  56. Hui Li, Xiao-Li Wang, Bo-Zhong Mu, Ji-Dong Gu, Yong-Di Liu*, Kuang-Fei Lin*, Shu-Guang Lu, Qiang Lu, Bing-Zhi Li, Yang-Yang Li, Xiao-Ming Du*. Molecular detection, quantification and distribution of alkane-degrading bacteria in production water from low temperature oilfields. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 2013, 76,49-57

  57. Feiyue Qian, Xianbo Sun, Yongdi Liu*. Effect of ozone on removal of dissolved organic matter and its biodegradability and adsorbability in biotreated textile effluents. Ozone: Science & Engineering, 2013, 35(1), 1-9

  58. Shi, XL, We, YM, Liu, YD. Treatment of aged-landfill-leachate using aged-sludge-based bioreactor followed by advanced chemical oxidation. Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment, 2012, 16(4),155-161

  59. Hui Li, Qian Zhang, Xiao-Li Wang, Xing-Yuan Ma*, Kuang-Fei Lin*, Yong-Di Liu*, Ji-Dong Gu*, Shu-Guang Lu, Lei Shi, Qiang Lu, Ting-Ting Shen. Biodegradation of benzene homologues in contaminated sediment of the East China Sea. Bioresource Technology, 2012, 124, 129-136

  60. Yunchuan Gao, Mingxing Sun, Xiaowei Wu, Yongdi Liu*, Yaqi Guo, Ji Wu. Concentration characteristics of bromine and iodine in aerosols in Shanghai, China. Atmospheric Environment, 2010, 44(34),4298-4302

  61. Jianli Gong, Yongdi Liu*, Xianbo Sun. O3 and UV/O3 oxidation of organic constituents of biotreated municipal wastewater. Water Research, 2008, 42(4-5),1238-1244.


(1) 张锡辉, 刘勇弟废水生物处理(原著第二版)北京: 化学工业出版社, 2002, 12

(2) 张锡辉, 刘勇弟, 吴光学译. 废水生物处理(原著第三版). 北京: 中国建筑工业出版社, 2017, 2


(1) 刘勇弟雷菊英俞洁张金龙王灵芝周亮蒋杰伦孙鲁颖杨帆张飞宇. 一种氮化碳量子点改性多级孔TiO2-SiO2光催化剂, ZL201810871692.5

(2) 刘勇弟雷菊英周亮张金龙王灵芝江振颖田云浩宋友桂. 一种磷掺杂多级孔道氮化碳纳米片及其制备方法, ZL201810380504.9

(3) 刘勇弟, 钱飞跃, 孙贤波, 化艳娇. 一种印染废水回用处理工艺, ZL201210233883.1

(4) 刘勇弟, 钱飞跃, 孙贤波, 刘新秀. 一种集中式污水处理厂生化出水深度处理工艺, ZL201210233909.2

(5) 崔长征, 任静, 沈佳敏, 张磊, 陈欣, 林匡飞, 刘勇弟.生物炭基固定多环芳烃高效降解菌剂及其制备方法与应用, ZL201911422522.X

(6) 张金龙, 雷菊英, 江振颖, 刘勇弟, 王灵芝, 郑家豪, 张嘉宽, 姜森. 一种CdS/g-C3N4双纳米片复合光催化剂的制备方法, ZL 201811062404.8

(7) 厉巍, 姚金池, 任路遥, 李辉, 刘勇弟. 一种耐盐除碳微生物颗粒材料快速培育方法, ZL 201810981606.6

(8) 李辉, 刘勇弟, 王晓丽, 陈帅, 张施阳, 周阳. 一种H2O2供氧降解地下水中氯代烃的菌剂及应用, ZL201610254805.8

(9) 李辉, 刘勇弟, 杨洁, 王晓丽, 陈帅, 欧栋, 周阳. 一种处理高盐含酚废水的活性污泥及应用, ZL201511008520.8

(10) 李辉, 杨洁, 林匡飞, 刘勇弟, 范利花, 陈亚琴, 张振秀. 零价铁-活性污泥耦合处理氯代烃/二恶烷复合污染方法, ZL201510089058.2

(11) 李辉, 杨洁, 刘勇弟, 王晓丽, 陈帅. 絮凝调理剂耦合超声氧化的污泥脱水方法, ZL201511008788.1

(12) 曹国民, 刘勇弟, 盛梅, 沈晓强, 孙霄, 金磊, 李志杰, 梁雪珂, 卓亚昆. 一种催化剂可循环使用的高盐废水资源化处理方法, ZL201510339513.X

(13) 李辉, 林匡飞, 刘勇弟, 杨洁, 王晓丽, 朱瑞利.  地下水中挥发性有机污染物迁移转化模拟装置及应用, ZL201410014409.9

(14) 李辉, 林匡飞, 刘勇弟, 吕树光, 周雅珍, 沈婷婷, 李璐, 陆强, 王晓丽. 一种氯代烃厌氧降解菌剂的制备方法及应用, ZL201210232794.5

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