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发布时间:2014-09-10   访问次数:23912


Prof. Dr. Yanbo Zhou




Room110, Building 18, East China University of Science and Technology, No. 130 Meilong Road, Shanghai 200237, China




研究领域Research Fields




期刊与学术兼职Academic Work

(1)     SCI期刊:中国化学快报(Chinese Chemical LettersIF 9.1),编委

(2)     SCI期刊:Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering (IF 6.4), 青年编委

(3)     核心期刊:西部素质教育,编委

(4)     核心期刊:净水技术,青年编委

(5)     上海市环境科学学会水环境专业委员会,副主任委员

(6)     上海市经信委节能环保产业专家组,委员

(7)     城市水资源开发利用(南方)国家工程研究中心专家组,委员


招生专业Student Enrollment:

083000环境科学与工程  Environmental Science and Engineering

080702热能工程  Thermal Engineering


工作经历Work Experience

2018.9-至今:白菜收录大全网址,教授  Professor

2017.9-至今:发展规划处,副处长  Deputy Director

2017.11-2023.4:校青年教师联谊会,秘书长  Secretary General, Young Teachers Association of ECUST

2013.10-2017.9:白菜收录大全网址人事处,副处长  Deputy Director

2012.9-2018.8:白菜收录大全网址,副教授  Associate Professor




2005.2-2005.7:访学,瑞士Hochschule für Technik Rapperswil大学




(1)        2010年上海市自然科学基金

(2)        2010年教育部博士学科点专项科研基金

(3)        2011年上海市晨光计划项目

(4)        2011年中国博士后科学基金面上项目

(5)        2011年中央高校基本科研业务费

(6)        2012年国家自然科学基金青年基金

(7)        2017年国家自然科学基金面上项目

(8)        2017年上海市青年科技启明星

(9)        2017年国家重点研发计划项目子课题

(10)    2023年国家自然科学基金面上项目



(1)        上海市课程思政教学名师,上海市教委,2022

(2)        “青年英才董事长奖”,白菜收录大全网址,2022

(3)        国际先进材料协会 “IAAM Fellow”2022

(4)        上海市优秀技术带头人,Shanghai Outstanding Technology Leaders,上海市科委,2020

(5)        中国化学快报“环境化学青年科学家奖”,2020  

(6)        上海市青年科技启明星,Shanghai Rising-Star,上海市科委,2017

(7)        上海市晨光计划,Chen Guang Scholar, 上海市教育发展基金会,2011

(8)        优秀博士学位论文,Excellent doctoral dissertation,白菜收录大全网址,2011

(9)        科研实践综合奖一等奖,First Prize of Research and Practice Comprehensive Award,白菜收录大全网址,2008

(10)    洛德教育奖学金,Lord Education Scholarship,白菜收录大全网址,2008


Profile of Dr. Yanbo Zhou

Dr. Yanbo Zhou received his PhD degree in Environmental Science and Engineering at East China University of Science and Technology (ECUST) and conferred the Award for Outstanding Graduate Studentsin 2009. Then, he joined the School of Resources and Environmental Engineering of ECUST. In 2011, the Education Commission of Shanghai Municipal honored him as “Chen Guang Scholar”. He was sponsored by Shanghai Rising-Star program in 2017, a talent program sponsored by Shanghai Science and Technology Committee, aiming to help young researchers develop their research in science and technology. He was promoted to full professor in 2018. He enrolls master and doctoral level students and postdoctoral research fellows every year in the field of environmental engineering.

His research interests center on water pollution control, especially in the field of modified materials and adsorption technology. His research projects have been funded by the Natural Science Foundation of China, the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central University, Shanghai Natural Science Fund, and various funding agencies in China. He has published more than 70 articles in a series of internationally renowned magazines such as Chemical Engineering Journal, Journal of Hazardous Materials and Separation & Purification Technology.(Scopus author ID: 16032664900)



Academic papers published in recent years (* corresponding authors):

Lu, Q., Zhou, Y., Sui, Q., Zhou, Y. Mechanism and characterization of microplastic aging process: A review (2023) Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering, 17 (8), 论文编号 100, . 被引用 3 .

Di, L., Chen, X., Lu, J., Zhou, Y., Zhou, Y. Removal of heavy metals in water using nano zero-valent iron composites: A review (2023) Journal of Water Process Engineering, 53, 论文编号 103913, . 被引用 3 .

Chen, X., Duan, C., Zhou, Y., Yang, L., Zhou, Y. Peroxymonosulfate activation by β-cyclodextrin modified amorphous manganese oxides for a high-efficiency bisphenol A degradation (2023) Journal of Cleaner Production, 395, 论文编号 136323, . 被引用 7 .

Khan, M.T., Shah, I.A., Hossain, M.F., Akther, N., Zhou, Y., Khan, M.S., Al-shaeli, M., Bacha, M.S., Ihsanullah, I. Personal protective equipment (PPE) disposal during COVID-19: An emerging source of microplastic and microfiber pollution in the environment (2023) Science of the Total Environment, 860, 论文编号 160322, . 被引用 12 .

Wang, T., Lu, J., Lei, J., Zhou, Y., Zhao, H., Chen, X., Faysal Hossain, M., Zhou, Y. Highly efficient activation of peroxymonosulfate for rapid sulfadiazine degradation by Fe3O4 @Co3S4 (2023) Separation and Purification Technology, 307, 论文编号 122755, . 被引用 4 .

Lu, J., Zhou, Y., Zhou, Y. Recent advance in enhanced adsorption of ionic dyes from aqueous solution: A review (2023) Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 53 (19), pp. 1709-1730. 被引用 1 次。

Zhou, Y., Li, X., Chen, X., Lu, J., Zhou, Y. Dual-Path Oxidation of Phenolic Organic Contaminants Triggered by the β-MnO2/Bisulfite System (2022) ACS ES and T Water, 2 (12), pp. 2579-2589. 被引用 2 .

Chen, X., Hossain, M.F., Duan, C., Lu, J., Tsang, Y.F., Islam, M.S., Zhou, Y.

Isotherm models for adsorption of heavy metals from water - A review (2022) Chemosphere, 307, 论文编号 135545, . 被引用 98 . (ESI 高被引)

Lu, J., Zhou, Y., Ling, L., Zhou, Y. Enhanced activation of PMS by a novel Fenton-like composite Fe3O4/S-WO3 for rapid chloroxylenol degradation (2022) Chemical Engineering Journal, 446, 论文编号 137067, . 被引用 29 .

Wang, T., He, J., Lu, J., Zhou, Y., Wang, Z., Zhou, Y. Adsorptive removal of PPCPs from aqueous solution using carbon-based composites: A review (2022) Chinese Chemical Letters, 33 (8), pp. 3585-3593. 被引用 40 . (ESI 高被引)

Zhou, Y., He, J., Li, X., Lu, J., Zhou, Y. Efficient removal of roxarsone and emerging organic contaminants by a solar light-driven in-situ Fenton system (2022) Chemical Engineering Journal, 435, 论文编号 132434, . 被引用 7 .

Liu, Q., Wang, J., Duan, C., Wang, T., Zhou, Y. A novel cationic graphene modified cyclodextrin adsorbent with enhanced removal performance of organic micropollutants and high antibacterial activity (2022) Journal of Hazardous Materials, 426, 论文编号 128074, . 被引用 25 .

Li, X., He, J., Lu, J., Zhou, Y., Zhou, Y. In-situ production and activation of H2O2 for enhanced degradation of roxarsone by FeS2 decorated resorcinol-formaldehyde resins (2022) Journal of Hazardous Materials, 424, 论文编号 127650, . 被引用 32 .

Duan, C., Wang, J., Liu, Q., Zhou, Y., Zhou, Y. Efficient removal of Salbutamol and Atenolol by an electronegative silanized β-cyclodextrin adsorbent (2022) Separation and Purification Technology, 282, 论文编号 120013, . 被引用 19 .

Tchinsa, A., Hossain, M.F., Wang, T., Zhou, Y. Removal of organic pollutants from aqueous solution using metal organic frameworks (MOFs)-based adsorbents: A review (2021) Chemosphere, 284, 论文编号 131393, . 被引用 97 . (ESI 高被引)

Lu, J., Zhou, Y., Zhou, Y. Efficiently activate peroxymonosulfate by Fe3O4@MoS2 for rapid degradation of sulfonamides (2021) Chemical Engineering Journal, 422, 论文编号 130126, . 被引用 139 . (ESI 高被引)

Feng, Z., Tian, Q., Yang, Q., Zhou, Y., Zhao, H., Zhao, G. Selectively photoelectrocatalytic reduction of oxygen to hydroxyl radical and singlet oxygen: Mechanism and validation in coal wastewater (2021) Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 286, 论文编号 119908, . 被引用 51 .

Zhou, Y., Zhou, L., Zhou, Y., Xing, M., Zhang, J. Z-scheme photo-Fenton system for efficiency synchronous oxidation of organic contaminants and reduction of metal ions (2020) Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 279, 论文编号 119365, . 被引用 76 .

Duan, C., Ma, T., Wang, J., Zhou, Y. Removal of heavy metals from aqueous solution using carbon-based adsorbents: A review (2020) Journal of Water Process Engineering, 37, 论文编号 101339, . 被引用 242 . (ESI 高被引)

Zhou, Y., Liu, Q., Lu, J., He, J., Liu, Y., Zhou, Y. Accelerated photoelectron transmission by carboxymethyl β-cyclodextrin for organic contaminants removal: An alternative to noble metal catalyst (2020) Journal of Hazardous Materials, 393, 论文编号 122414, . 被引用 25 .

Lu, J., Zhou, Y., Lei, J., Ao, Z., Zhou, Y. Fe3O4/graphene aerogels: A stable and efficient persulfate activator for the rapid degradation of malachite green (2020) Chemosphere, 251, 论文编号 126402, . 被引用 67 .

Chen, H., Zhou, Y., Wang, J., Lu, J., Zhou, Y. Polydopamine modified cyclodextrin polymer as efficient adsorbent for removing cationic dyes and Cu2+ (2020) Journal of Hazardous Materials, 389, 论文编号 121897, . 被引用 135 . (ESI 高被引)

Zhou, Y., Lu, J., Liu, Q., Chen, H., Liu, Y., Zhou, Y. A novel hollow-sphere cyclodextrin nanoreactor for the enhanced removal of bisphenol A under visible irradiation (2020) Journal of Hazardous Materials, 384, 论文编号 121267, . 被引用 38 .

Lu, J., Wang, T., Zhou, Y., Cui, C., Ao, Z., Zhou, Y. Dramatic enhancement effects of l-cysteine on the degradation of sulfadiazine in Fe3+/CaO2 system (2020) Journal of Hazardous Materials, 383, 论文编号 121133, . 被引用 72 . (ESI 高被引)

Liu, Q., Zhou, Y., Lu, J., Zhou, Y. Novel cyclodextrin-based adsorbents for removing pollutants from wastewater: A critical review (2020) Chemosphere, 241, 论文编号 125043, . 被引用 172 . (ESI 高被引)

Liu, Q., Li, Y., Chen, H., Lu, J., Yu, G., Möslang, M., Zhou, Y. Superior adsorption capacity of functionalised straw adsorbent for dyes and heavy-metal ions (2020) Journal of Hazardous Materials, 382, 论文编号 121040, . 被引用 244 . (ESI 高被引)

Yang, Y., Wang, J., Zhou, Y. Enhanced Anaerobic Digestion of Swine Manure by the Addition of Zero-Valent Iron (2019) Energy and Fuels, 33 (12), pp. 12441-12449. 被引用 23 .

Zhou, Y., Lu, J., Zhou, Y., Liu, Y. Recent advances for dyes removal using novel adsorbents: A review (2019) Environmental Pollution, 252, pp. 352-365. 被引用 709 . (ESI 高被引)

Wang, T., Zhou, Y., Cao, S., Lu, J., Zhou, Y. Degradation of sulfanilamide by Fenton-like reaction and optimization using response surface methodology (2019) Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 172, pp. 334-340. 被引用 62 .

Zhou, Y., Cheng, G., Chen, K., Lu, J., Lei, J., Pu, S. Adsorptive removal of bisphenol A, chloroxylenol, and carbamazepine from water using a novel β-cyclodextrin polymer (2019) Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 170, pp. 278-285. 被引用 106 . (ESI 高被引)

Zhou, Y., Hu, Y., Huang, W., Cheng, G., Cui, C., Lu, J. A novel amphoteric Β-cyclodextrin-based adsorbent for simultaneous removal of cationic/anionic dyes and bisphenol A (2018) Chemical Engineering Journal, 341, pp. 47-57. 被引用 153 . (ESI 高被引)


网页发布时间: 2014-09-10